Friday, October 29, 2010


Okay, let's just say that you were working long hours outside the house all week. And your significant other is also working long hours outside the house. So you decide, in your infinite wisdom, that since you still have a lot of computer work to do that evening, not to mention laundry and picking up, and all those other things that just, try as you might, won't do themselves, that you will just pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store along with a few sides.

So you rush home and throw the store bought mac and cheese in the microwave, set the table and paw through the fridge for leftovers that you can add to dinner. You everything done and your significant other walks through the door minutes later and tells you that someone brought him a really late lunch around 3 so he isn't really hungry.

Even though you never actually slaved over the proverbial hot stove is it still legal in all 50 states to shoot him?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm in a mood. I don't necessarily have what would be considered to be a good reason to be in this mood, but that doesn't appear to negate it.
Things that are annoying me at the moment......

*Cody's English teacher and his constant excuses about why it is so hard for him to do his job and actually post the grades. The end of the grading period was Friday and while it looks to me like Cody has failed he is still going with the story that Cody has a 72 in that class. We shall see.

*One of the accounts that I have for work has changed things so much since last year that it is almost like working for a totally different company. The latest few changes have got me thinking that it almost may not be worth keeping them.

*Teenagers who insist on doing things half assed and then want to argue with you about the fact that it was done half assed.

*Neighbors who only mow half of their backyard and let the other half of it get so high that you can't see their neglected puppies running around. The halfway mowed thing is seriously screwing with my OCD issues.

*Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the harpies on The View. Not that they don't sometimes have a point (well except for Joy Behar who needs serious psychiatric help) but geez...give it a rest.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

God Bless the USA

My job gives me a lot of down time in my car to think and reflect on different things. Sometimes, when I just don't feel like talking to anyone on the phone or when I get tired of being in my head I will listen to the radio. I play music on my car radio sometimes, but mostly on my Droid (LOVELOVELOVE Pandora Radio app!!) Most of the time, when I go searching for channels on my radio to listen to, I am looking for some type of talk radio. Just so I can get out of my head for a bit and think about something that is usually not even on my radar.
I have no idea who the person I was listening to on the radio was, or even what radio station this program was on. The gist of the argument he was making was that no mosque should be built in the USA, ever. He said that the only thing that we needed to know in order to support this decision is that Muslims believe and are taught by their religion that it is alright to beat and rape their wives and thus, they do not belong in the United States.
He then gave an example of something that happened a few months ago that I actually had not heard anything about. Apparently, a judge in New Jersey ruled against a woman obtaining a restraining order against her ex husband who reportedly raped her.
The judge ruled that as the ex husband was only going with what his beliefs taught him, he was not doing anything illegal.
This was one of the main arguments the radio program was using as a reason that Mosques should not be built in the US.
I listened to his argument which basically went "Muslims bad, US good....Keep that religion out of our country" and thought to myself about how many people listening to this argument right now have made up their minds that they agree with what he is saying.
Now, don't get me wrong. I think that judge was a friggin idiot. Basically, he is saying that as long as something is taught in someones religion then that means it is okay, even if it goes against the laws in our country. Our laws should be upheld. Regardless.
However, does this mean that no Mosques should be allowed in the United States of America? All Muslims should immediately convert to another religion or else go home?
That's what the opinion of this guy on the radio was. Get them out of our country! That's what he kept ranting. And it scared me. Alot.
Because, and correct me if I am wrong here, but wasn't our country FOUNDED on the premise of FREE RELIGION? Wasn't that the reason that there even IS a United States of America?
There has been a lot of talk about the Mosque being built at Ground Zero. I don't necessarily have a problem with a Mosque being built per se, but it does feel a bit, well insensitive for them to decide to build in that particular place. It feels a bit, contrived. But to say that none can be built at all, that's a bit extremist to me.
And it scares me.