Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MInd Control

I am over thinking this a bit a think. I have thought of tons of things to write about in the past couple days but when I finally find the time to sit down and actually do it, I lose it all.
I wanted somewhere new to write. My old blog was just not working for me anymore and honestly I was a bit bored with it. I figured something new was in order and if I think about it, I will go back and delete it at some know, in my free time.
There has been so much craziness going on everywhere in my life that my poor head feels like it is about to explode. Everything is changing and I don't deal well with change.
A lot of the things coming up are good things, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much terribly. In fact, nothing that is changing is actually changing for the worse. And for this, I am thankful. But still, it is change, which really clogs up my thinking process with my incessant over analyzing of everything. Sometimes it really sucks to be in my head.
I have often wondered about the whole meditation thing. Does it really work? I have known people who swear by it and claim that it helps to center them by taking a few minutes and clearing their mind. Just concentrate on their breathing.
How the hell do you clear your mind???? Seriously. I have tried. And by tried, I really mean that I have tried. I sit down in a quiet spot. Make sure nobody is around that might actually try to talk to me or anything. I then set about trying to clear my mind of all the things running around in it...
"Did I remember to write down on the grocery list that we need creamer?"
"I need to remember to pick up Cody a couple new pairs of jeans"
"Do we need dog food?"
"Crap, I really need to get my oil changed!"
"I need to email someone to get some clarification on the project that is supposed to start next week, now who is going to actually be able to answer my questions?"

So I try, work all of those thoughts out of my head and then promptly notice that the carpet needs to be vacuumed...
Okay, close my eyes so I am not seeing anything. Trying the deep breathing.
In...out. Very peaceful. Trying to have no thoughts flowing actively through my mind.
And then....
"Helen Hunt"
I am so startled by the fact that this totally random, and not even very good, actress popped into my mind that I have lost my quiet moment and all the other thoughts that I worked so hard to get rid of flood in.
This can't possibly be healthy.

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