Saturday, June 5, 2010

Changing the world one parking lot at a time.....

I would like to take a few minutes to discuss something that is not discussed near often enough….parking lot etiquette.

Studies have shown that people who shop tend to park in parking lots. Now this is not a hard fast rule, as I am sure there are exceptions however, what we are going to discuss today are the things that you should NOT be doing while in the parking lot.

There is never any reason to crank your stereo system up to it’s maximum level with your windows down. You should especially not be doing this if you are listening to songs that have more curses in them than all the other words combined. People walk through the parking lot with their small children and should not have to be subjected to the questions these songs generate. If you want to listen to these songs, then fine. Knock yourself out. Just keep it to yourself.

As a pedestrian you have the right way while walking through a parking lot. However, please do not walk down the middle of the aisle while pushing your cart making it impossible for someone to drive past you without running you over. Also, just because you have the right way does not necessarily mean you should just walk out in front of a car without even looking. Do you really think that knowing you were right will make it hurt any less if you get run over?

On the flip side….pedestrians have the right way. Could you be a little more observant when people are going to be possibly walking out in front of you?

There is never any reason, ever, to go over 15 mph through a parking lot. Never. People are backing up and walking around. Pay attention and slow your ass down.

I am lazy. I will admit this freely and without rancor. However, I cannot tell you the number of times I have had to squeeze past someone who was so hell bent on obtaining a closer parking spot that they sat and waited while someone opened their car, loaded up their bags, took their cart back and then started their car. Almost every single time this has happened I have been out of my car, walked past them, and been in the store before they have had a chance to even park. Had they just went ahead and moved up three spaces and taken the empty spot they would have spent less time and annoyed a lot less people who had gotten stuck behind them.

On that note, if you are going to be one of those people who absolutely must wait for that closer parking spot, for the love of God….move over so that the rest of the people behind you can go around you. There is no reason to completely stop the flow of traffic just because you don’t feel like walking 20 extra steps.

When you come out to your car with a cart it really is polite to put your cart in the cart corral. I don’t know why some people are so against doing this. Its not like you got your cart from the middle of the parking lot so why would you even think to leave it there?

This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to your reguarly scheduled blogging.


  1., why would you ever expect anyone to show common courtesy? This is a "me,me,me" world.

    Run over the whole dang bunch.
