Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Voodoo Queen

I have been in a serious funk lately and haven't felt like doing a whole lot of anything. Fortunately, I feel the funk lifting a bit and can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keeping my fingers crossed.

In other news....It is official. I am a witch with magical voodoo powers. Yes, I have gotten confirmation of this and have been trying to decide how exactly to use these new found powers for good. I was annoyed with someone the other day and put a pox on them, the next day they were running a fever and had some kind of growth on their side. A trip to the doctor for some antibiotics and she is feeling a bit better but only because I have not revoodooed her. She should take care to not piss me off.

Cara's baby shower went off without a hitch and everything is good there. She got a lot of goodies and such with more coming each day. With a bit of luck she won't have to purchase a whole lot more.

The school year is done and I am still alive. More importantly, Cody is still alive. He passed everything and now I can take a break for the summer. Thank God!

I had a heart attack today when I realized that my brake lights would not turn off. I did everything I could possibly think of to fix it. Checked the lights to make sure that I hadn't left something on. Stared at it for a few minutes. Pushed the brake to ensure that it hadn't gotten stuck. Stared at it again. Asked some random stranger in a parking lot, "Hey, does it look like these lights are on or is it the way the sun is hitting it?" Stared at it some more. Nothing worked. So I came home and called Chad. When he got home he and Aiden went outside to look at it. Can you friggin believe that Aiden fixed my damn lights????? Apparently, there is a little switch somewhere down there. (Incidentally, why the hell would they put a switch on the side of the damn peddle????) All that time I spent trying to fix it myself and a 5 year old did it in 5 seconds. Oh well, that kid gets capri suns for life.

I have become a bit miffed lately with my ex husband and have decided that instead of being the bigger person, I will just go ahead and be the complete and total bitch that he thinks I am anyway. For the last several months I have emailed him pictures of Cara as her belly grows and this past weekend I emailed him pics from the baby shower. He complained to Christin one time that he hadn't gotten any pics lately and so I started texting him whenever I sent him something because he never checks his email. It occurred to me the other day that the last several times I sent him an email with the pics attached that he hasn't even had the decency to let me know that he had gotten them. So screw it. If he wants to be rude about it, he's the one missing out. Perhaps I should let him know about that voodoo thing?

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